PLCnext Engineer 2024.0 .Net Framework
Dear experts,
i installed PLCnext engineer 2024.0 and configuring AXC F 1152 (HW06,firmware version 2024.0)
i scan online controllers i got pop up error "could not communicate with profinet stack
(MSG _ONL0185) "and "No device found(MSG_ONL0166)".
And if i redbuild program i got errors must install or update .NET to rum this application(i have already installed
.NET 3.5,4.8 )
2.Architecture: x86
4. CILC 0001 Error during genrating native code.
please help and suggest me solution
I use
and do not encounter the problems you describe.
It's worth a try.
please check the following directory for the .netCore Version 7.0.14.
C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.NETCore.App
If this version isnt available you can try to install it manually.
The framework is needed for the scanning processes in PnE.
In addition, we`re checking to improve this behavior with further PnE versions.
A timeline for this does not exist.
I'm having a similar problem with AXC F 2152 and SPLC1000 . I have installed .netCore Version 7.0.20, software compiles ok, when i want to go online with the controller i receive the following errors:
Controller is running on 2024.0.8 LTS. Software used is 2024.0.4 (Build 7.0.550.0, Revision ba77587a). Project is using AXC F 2152 (AXC F XT SPLC1000) Rev. => 2024.0
Q: If the .netCode 7 is needed why is this not included with the installer or at least mentioned during the installation wizard as a requirement for operation.
Q: Is there a port/service that needs to be enabled to allow communication with the controller?
Edit: I installed also 7.0.14 as mentioned above by vishal and the messages still show up.