AXC F 2152 won't start program
we have a 2152 model installed out of town that was powered off during the weekend and once it was turned on today, we noticed that after the boot LED stopped blinking the "D" indicator was on with an orange color like in the picture:
we have already performed a firmware update using WinSCP as we were advised from our contact with Phoenix Contact but the problem persisted, we also copied the output.log file from the plc before (Output.log) and after the firmware update (Output2.log).
Also, the web server isn't available when trying to enter, we are met with a "Bad Gateway" error:
Upon researching through the forum we found some similar scenarios with solutions that required the PLC to be reset (namely a type 1 reset) which wouldn't be convenient to us since we would lose all data in the PLC. Is there any way to restore the PLC WITHOUT losing the data in it?
Thanks in advance.
I'm not able to download the Output.log file (permissions denied), please contact the phoenix contact support department in your country and provide the Output.log data for detailled analysis.
May be the following suggestion will help:
If you are able to connect via WinSCP-Tool, you can copy/save the data from the PLC to you PC. Then you can proceed the Type 1 reset and update the FW to the current stand.
BR Eduard
Hello Eduard,
I apologize for not replying earlier, we proceeded with a type 1 reset and were able to restore the PLC to a functioning state, I attached the log files in the linked zip file and added an image showing the error pointed out by our supplier.
Given that the Diagnostics LED was on, we believe it has something to do with the connection to the local bus modules but we can't confirm the actual cause.
I can't download the .zip file (the linkt will be blocked by our network security). But I can see in Screenshot, that the cause of error is the not valid configuration in "PLCnextBase.acf.config" file (it can be a follow up error).
Please also see the Line 10118 in Screenshot, I assume this line contents the "NULL" (Please verify the content in Notepad++). If I'm right, the problem can be the old FW or the malformed SD-Card (internal or external).
My suggestions are:
BR Eduard
Hello; We have the same problem. Was the problem solved?