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Issues with PLCnext Engineer: File access error & cross-reference functionality

I'm encountering several issues with PLCnext Engineer that are impacting my development workflow:

1. File access error

My project is located at:

C:\Users\Public\Documents\PLCnext Engineer\Projects\CBG_unit_one_v19.pcwex

However, I keep getting this error:

Error,"0","Internal Error : Access to the path '\\?\C:\Users\Michel\OneDrive - CompanyName\Documents\PLCnext Engineer\Binaries\CBG_unit_one_v19@binary\RES_37662A52B3FF40E0955C1CF9BE56FE02\Arp.Io.AxlC' is denied."

Oddly, it's referencing OneDrive even though the project isn't stored there. When I save the file under a new name, the error temporarily disappears. After opening the newly saved file I can open and rebuild the project without errors. The error eventually reappears along with legitimate errors (undeclared variables, when addinng one or more undeclared variables into the code). The access error seems to be preventing the IDE from showing other compilation errors that I know should be there; like another undeclared variable.

2. Cross-reference functionality

After upgrading from Windows 10 to Windows 11, due to company policy, and moving to PLCnext Engineer 2024.6, the cross-reference functionality appears to be broken. I can no longer click on variables in my code to see where they're used. Instead, I have to use "global find and replace" which is much more time-consuming.


1. Why is PLCnext Engineer trying to access a OneDrive path when my project is in Public\Documents?

2. Is there a known issue with the cross-reference functionality in version 2024.6?

3. Are there any workarounds for these issues?


- PLCnext Engineer 2024.6

- Windows 11

- Project developed originally on Windows 10 and in PLCnext Engineer 2023.3/9

Any help would be greatly appreciated as these issues are significantly impacting development efficiency.


  • Hello Michel,

    it looks like your binaries are stored on Onedrive and not the program. Please check the path settings in the options of PLCnext.

  • Hi Michael,

    since Stefan already solved your first issue I'll try to answer the second one.

    I assume by 'can no longer click on the variables' that the cross reference commands in the context menu are inactive. If that is the case then please open the cross reference window and make sure the cross references exist. In that window you can also force the collection of cross references via local toolbar command.

    In addition to that there is an option in the options page to collect the cross references automatically after initial compilation. So it might just be the case that the cross references were not collected due to the pending compile error. Meaning after you relocate your binaries folder the cross reference issue will disappear as well.



  • edited December 2024

    Hello Stefan and Div,

    Thanks for your suggestions. I expected that processing these would resolve both issues.

    You were right that the paths were pointing to OneDrive, so I updated them as you advised, thinking that would be the end of it.

    However, I’m still encountering the same error. The folder appears empty, but OneDrive keeps complaining about files I’ve removed, asking if I want to restore them—even though I already did that before implementing your suggestions. Now it’s showing even more files to restore, including references to the new filename with "v20" in the paths. I haven’t removed anything, so this must be some sort of synchronization issue.

    I’ve been considering disabling OneDrive for a while but kept putting it off… I think it’s time to just go ahead and do it. This is completely useless. What I don’t understand is why paths with OneDrive are still being referenced despite having updated the settings as described above.

    Any additional advice would be appreciated.

  • Hello Michel,

    you can try to delete the binaries of your project in the binaries folder and rebuild your project. This may help, as sometimes some old settings remain in the binaries folder.

  • Did you restart PLCnext Engineer after changing the paths?

  • Stefan and Div,

    Thank you for your suggestions (deleting and restarting)—they were really helpful! I no longer have any issues with the error message and can continue with the project. I’ll deactivate OneDrive soon.

  • To those stumbling onto the thread, I had the same issue as Michel Baas above.

    Solution for me was to navigate to the Binaries folder (as defined in Extras/Options/Directories) and delete the folder related to the project.

    Did not change my PLCNext Engineer / Extras / Options / Directories

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