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Web panel stuck on boot screen

I have a WP 6156-WHPS - Web panel and out of the blue the screen now gets stuck on the Phoenix Contact default boot screen once I power it On.

If I connect a network cable to my PC and search on the IP address it returns 502 bad gateway along with nginx/1.20.1.

What could be going wrong? Has the file system somehow corrupted? Would a firmware update overt micro-sd help?


  • Hello Shaheer,

    When you perform a firmware update with a SD card, the panel goes back to factory state, so this will be a good start for solving the problem.

    If it doesn't work please let us know.

    Met vriendelijke groet / Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards,

    Henk Welgraven

    Technical Sales Engineer

    Industrial Electronics


    Postbus 246

    6900 AE ZEVENAAR

    Tel. +31 (0)316 59 17 20

  • For some reason while following the steps of the manual for microsd firmware 4.x, I do not get a .wic file after unpacking the .zst file with PeaZip.

    Could you share a firmware link for version 3 with micro sd?

    I could then workaround this unpacking issue and later update to firmware 4 with a USB.

  • Hello Shaheer,

    We can send you the 3.1.7 .wic or the 4.1.1 .wic file if you want.

    Please send an email to so we can reply with a link to the file.

    Met vriendelijke groet / Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards,

    Henk Welgraven

    Technical Sales Engineer

    Industrial Electronics


    Postbus 246

    6900 AE ZEVENAAR

    Tel. +31 (0)316 59 17 20

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