>> Available fonts in PLCnext Engineer: Arial Arial Black Arial Narrow Arial Rounded MT Bold Bodoni MT Book Antiqua Brush Script MT Calibri Calisto MT Cambria Candara Century Gothic Consolas Courier New Franklin Gothic Medium Garamond Georgia Global Sans Serif Global Serif Goudy Old Style Impact Lucida Bright Lucida Console Lucida Sans Typewriter Microsoft Yahei Papyrus Perpetua Rockwell Rockwell Extra Bold Segoe UI SimSun Tahoma Times New Roman Trebuchet MS Verdana >> Installed fonts on Web-Panel WP 6070-WVPS: - Source Han Sans CN, 思源黑体 CN Light: Light, Regular - Lohit Tamil: Regular - DejaVu Sans, DejaVu Sans Light: ExtraLight - WenQuanYi Zen Hei, 文泉驛正黑, 文泉驿正黑: Regular - TlwgTypewriter: Medium - Source Han Sans KR, 본고딕 KR ExtraLight: ExtraLight, Regular - Ubuntu, Ubuntu Light: Medium Italic, Bold Italic - Source Han Sans TW, 思源黑體 TW Bold: Bold, Regular - Loma: Bold - Sawasdee: Bold - TlwgMono: BoldOblique - Umpush: Oblique - Lohit Malayalam: Regular - Tlwg Typist: Medium - Ubuntu: Regular - Source Han Sans CN, 思源黑体 CN Normal: Normal, Regular - Source Han Sans TW, 思源黑體 TW Heavy: Heavy, Regular - Source Han Sans TW, 思源黑體 TW ExtraLight: ExtraLight, Regular - Tlwg Typo: Bold - DejaVu Serif: Italic - Source Han Sans KR, 본고딕 KR Heavy: Heavy, Regular - TlwgMono: Medium - Source Han Sans KR, 본고딕 KR Light: Light, Regular - Liberation Sans: Italic - Source Han Sans TW, 思源黑體 TW Light: Light, Regular - Lohit Gujarati: Regular - TlwgTypewriter: Bold - Norasi: Italic - Ubuntu Mono: Bold - Garuda: Bold - Ubuntu, Ubuntu Light: Light Italic, Italic - Laksaman: Italic - DejaVu Sans Mono: Bold Oblique - Kinnari: BoldOblique - Lohit Kannada: Regular - Liberation Mono: Regular - Source Han Sans JP, 源ノ角ゴシック JP Normal: Normal, Regular - DejaVu Serif, DejaVu Serif Condensed: Condensed Italic, Italic - Waree: BoldOblique - Loma: BoldOblique - Kinnari: Italic - Ubuntu: Bold - Umpush: LightOblique - Liberation Sans: Bold - Garuda: BoldOblique - Loma: Book - Ubuntu: Italic - DejaVu Serif, DejaVu Serif Condensed: Condensed, Book - DejaVu Serif: Bold Italic - Ubuntu Mono: Regular - Garuda: Oblique - Liberation Mono: Bold Italic - Source Han Sans KR, 본고딕 KR Medium: Medium, Regular - Source Han Sans KR, 본고딕 KR Regular: Regular - DejaVu Sans: Oblique - AR PL UMing TW MBE: Light - Waree: Oblique - AR PL UMing TW: Light - Sazanami Gothic, さざなみゴシック: Gothic-Regular, Regular - Kinnari: BoldItalic - Lohit Marathi: Regular - Sawasdee: BoldOblique - AR PL UMing CN: Light - Liberation Sans: Regular - Ubuntu: Bold Italic - AR PL UMing HK: Light - DejaVu Sans, DejaVu Sans Condensed: Condensed Bold Oblique, Bold Oblique - Liberation Serif: Bold - Tlwg Typist: BoldOblique - DejaVu Serif, DejaVu Serif Condensed: Condensed Bold, Bold - Ubuntu, Ubuntu Light: Medium, Bold - Umpush: BoldOblique - Lohit Telugu: Regular - Source Han Sans TW, 思源黑體 TW Normal: Normal, Regular - Laksaman: Regular - Source Han Sans KR, 본고딕 KR Bold: Bold, Regular - Norasi: Bold - Purisa: Bold - DejaVu Sans, DejaVu Sans Condensed: Condensed, Book - Source Han Sans CN, 思源黑体 CN Medium: Medium, Regular - Sawasdee: Regular - Sawasdee: Oblique - Lohit Tamil Classical: Regular - WenQuanYi Zen Hei Sharp, 文泉驛點陣正黑, 文泉驿点阵正黑: Regular - Liberation Mono: Italic - DejaVu Sans: Bold - Umpush: Book - Lohit Assamese: Regular - Sazanami Mincho, さざなみ明朝: Mincho-Regular, Regular - DejaVu Serif: Bold - DejaVu Serif, DejaVu Serif Condensed: Condensed Bold Italic, Bold Italic - Source Han Sans JP, 源ノ角ゴシック JP ExtraLight: ExtraLight, Regular - Liberation Serif: Italic - Tlwg Typo: Medium - Purisa: Oblique - Norasi: Regular - TlwgMono: Bold - TlwgTypewriter: BoldOblique - Liberation Sans: Bold Italic - Garuda: Book - Waree: Bold - Laksaman: Bold - Ubuntu, Ubuntu Light: Light, Regular - Kinnari: Bold - Ubuntu Mono: Italic - Liberation Serif: Bold Italic - WenQuanYi Zen Hei Mono, 文泉驛等寬正黑, 文泉驿等宽正黑: Regular - Source Han Sans CN, 思源黑体 CN ExtraLight: ExtraLight, Regular - Umpush: Bold - Norasi: BoldOblique - Source Han Sans JP, 源ノ角ゴシック JP Regular: Regular - TlwgMono: Oblique - Liberation Serif: Regular - Purisa: Medium - Purisa: BoldOblique - Source Han Sans JP, 源ノ角ゴシック JP Light: Light, Regular - Source Han Sans CN, 思源黑体 CN Regular: Regular - Lohit Devanagari: Regular - Kinnari: Oblique - DejaVu Math TeX Gyre: Regular - DejaVu Sans Mono: Book - DejaVu Sans Mono: Oblique - Source Han Sans JP, 源ノ角ゴシック JP Heavy: Heavy, Regular - Ubuntu Condensed: Regular - Source Han Sans TW, 思源黑體 TW Regular: Regular - Source Han Sans CN, 思源黑体 CN Bold: Bold, Regular - Tlwg Typo: Oblique - Kinnari: Medium - Lohit Gurmukhi: Regular - Norasi: Oblique - Ubuntu Mono: Bold Italic - HanaMinB, 花園明朝B: Regular - Norasi: BoldItalic - Tlwg Typo: BoldOblique - HanaMinA, 花園明朝A: Regular - DejaVu Sans, DejaVu Sans Condensed: Condensed Bold, Bold - Umpush: Light - TlwgTypewriter: Oblique - Source Han Sans JP, 源ノ角ゴシック JP Bold: Bold, Regular - Tlwg Typist: Bold - DejaVu Sans, DejaVu Sans Condensed: Condensed Oblique, Oblique - Laksaman: Bold Italic - Lohit Odia: Regular - Liberation Mono: Bold - Source Han Sans JP, 源ノ角ゴシック JP Medium: Medium, Regular - Tlwg Typist: Oblique - DejaVu Sans: Bold Oblique - DejaVu Serif: Book - Waree: Book - Source Han Sans KR, 본고딕 KR Normal: Normal, Regular - Source Han Sans TW, 思源黑體 TW Medium: Medium, Regular - DejaVu Sans Mono: Bold - Source Han Sans CN, 思源黑体 CN Heavy: Heavy, Regular - Loma: Oblique - DejaVu Sans: Book - Lohit Bengali: Regular >> Conclusion: In total, there are 75 unique fonts between the lists of available fonts in PLCnext Engineer and the fonts installed on the touch panel. Of these, there are 4 fonts that match between both lists. This means that there are 31 fonts available in PLCnext Engineer that are not installed on the touch panel, and 40 fonts installed on the touch panel that are not available in PLCnext Engineer. This discrepancy highlights a significant opportunity for alignment, ensuring that designers have access to a consistent set of tools across platforms, thereby enhancing the development experience and final user interaction with our touch panel interfaces. Given the ample free space available on the touch panel's storage, as evidenced by the `df -h` command output, the argument of conserving space as a reason to limit the available fonts on the device seems less convincing. With over 2 GB of free space on the primary filesystem and additional external storage capacities barely utilized, the inclusion of a more comprehensive font set, aligning with those available in PLCnext Engineer, appears entirely feasible. This underutilized storage capacity could easily accommodate the minimal space requirements of additional fonts, enhancing user experience and design consistency without significantly impacting the system's storage.