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Control DO through an AXL F BK ETH

edited March 2020 in PLCnext Engineer

Hi Guys,

I started last week playing with the AXC F 2152 controller and an AXL F BK ETH buscoupler (with 1 DI and 1 DO connected). At the moment I've got the communication up and running between the two and I can read the DI's. Now I thought I was ready to control the DO's but that was a bit of a failure.

I used the example code which is included in the Modbus_TCP_6 library to get the DI's up and running with FC4_3. For the DO's I think I must use FC16_3 I programmed it and tried some things but I cant get it to work. I got an error with wDioCode = '16#C060' and xAddDiagCode = '16#0004' ("Slave device busy").

My code:


The code in block 'Aansturen_MB_NDB2':

TON1(IN := xDelayStart, PT := tDelayTime, Q => xDelayReady, ET => tDelayE);

CASE iState OF
    0: (* Wait for command *)
        IF xStart = TRUE THEN
            iState := 10;

    10: (* Init *)
        xWrite_NBD_Ready := FALSE;
        xWrite_NBD_Busy := TRUE;
        (* Client *)
        udtClient.xActivate := FALSE;
        udtClient.xAutoAck := FALSE;
        udtClient.strServer_IP := '';
        udtClient.iPort := 502;
        udtClient.xUDP_Mode := FALSE;
        udtClient.tTimeout := TIME#10s;

        (* FC16 function block *)
        udtMB_TCP_FC16.xActivate := FALSE;
        udtMB_TCP_FC16.iMT_ID := 1;

        iState := 100;

    100: (* Start *)
        udtClient.xActivate := TRUE;
        IF (udtClient.xActive = TRUE) THEN
            iState := 1000;

        udtMB_TCP_FC16.xActivate := TRUE;
        udtMB_TCP_FC16.uiQuantityOfRegisters := UINT#1;
        udtMB_TCP_FC16.wStartRegister := WORD#9001;
        IF (udtMB_TCP_FC16.xActive = TRUE) THEN
            iState := 2000;
        IF udtMB_TCP_FC16.xError = FALSE THEN
            udtMB_TCP_FC16.arrRegisterValue[1] := wNBD_DO2;
            xDelayStart := TRUE;
            IF xDelayReady = TRUE THEN // AND 
                xDelayStart := FALSE;
                iState := 3000;
        udtClient.xActivate := FALSE;
        udtMB_TCP_FC16.xActivate := FALSE;
        IF (
            udtMB_TCP_FC16.xActive = FALSE
            AND udtClient.xActive = FALSE
        ) THEN
            IF xStart = FALSE THEN
                iState := 0;
                xWrite_NBD_Ready := TRUE;
                xWrite_NBD_Busy := FALSE;

// Is there perhaps a code viewer in this forum? I couldn't find it.//

The variable 'wNBD_DO2' is a 16 bit word which contains the values to control the outputs.

Thanks for your help! If you need more information, please ask.




  • Problem is solved. The buscoupler was still in the Plug and Play mode whereby activating the output is disabled. 

    Just another RTFM problem...

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