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CILG0030 Errors



do you know the cause about these CILG0030 compilation errors?

I don`t know what ACTF means. The DWORD_TO_WORDS and WORDS_TO_DWORD are PLCnE FBs.

The customer is using 2020.3 FW with AXC 2152 und 2020.3 PLCnE version. 


2020 05 13



  • Hi.
    Just use the direct command: dwApplicationDiag_GlobalDW.W0 := udtServer.arrModbusdata[1]; and dwApplicationDiag_GlobalDW.W1 := udtServer.arrModbusdata[2];

    When you have the word just pres (dot). Then you can get the bits X. Words, and bytes.... from the word.

    You can use it in both FB, LD and ST code. 



  • The functionblock you are using are for Safety programming, and can't be used for normal PLC programs. (even that it's not yellow)

  • Hello Emil,


    it solves the problem.

    Anyway I think it is not referred correctly in these FBs help file.


    Thanks a lot!


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