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connection with the plc could not be established

Hi, I'm having trouble loading my web hmi in both simulation mode and with a web browser. VBM is loading so I think something in my settings is wrong.

is there a way to disable HTTPS (just for testing?)


  • I'm not sure what you mean by "disable HTTPS" (sorry). It's possible to disable the eHMI feature from the "System Services" page of the Web-Based Management site. You could also try disabling nginx on the device, although I'm not sure how this will help with testing.

    As for the problem with the HMI page - starting with an empty project, can you get even the most basic (empty) HMI page appear in a browser, following something like the tutorial on this page: ?

  • Problem Solved.

    I made a factory-reset and after that my program is working.

    I think a factory-reset is mandatory after you put in a memory expantion card in the controller.

  • Glad to hear that the problem is solved.

    If the memory card hasn't been used before, then a reset should not be necessary after the card is inserted using the procedure described in the manual . If the memory card already had user files on it from another device, then a reset will clear those files, which appears to have helped in this case.

  • Also, if the firmware on a device is upgraded to version 2022.0.3, and if there was already a project on the device, then the HMI pages in that project might show the behaviour you describe. In that case a Type 1 reset and project reload is necessary to solve the problem.

    That problem is solved with the recently released firmware version 2022.0.4.

  • i got firmware 2021.0.9 on the controller, and the memory card was new, i had installed docker and Node-Red on the controller before i bought a memory-card .

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