Profinet empty slots or placeholders
I am trying to connect to a Schneider device (Tesys Island) wich requires empty slots or place holders for profinet communication.
Inside the profinet controller i can select the modules wich where provided by de gsdml file. But no other device.
Is there away to fill in the unconnected slots?
The problem we are having is that the profinet device keeps connecting and disconnecting now. we can read data but on every cycle the ar gets an error because it misses devices.
Below i provided a picture of the slots i mentioned.
Did you add the device by scanning and adding to project or by adding to project first, then scanning and applying settings?
The Module List in a Profinet device can only include modules that are defined in the GDS file for that device.
If the Profinet device allows empty module slots, then the device vendor will need to provide an "empty slot" module in the GDS file for their device.
I am having a similar issue trying to communicate with a Tesys Island. Did you manage to solve this?