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SFC Initialisation


I'm currently trying to do the following thing on the SFC add-on :

An emergency stop is activated, i set my SFC to HALT mode,

Then a button 'Reset' is push, the SFC come back to step 1.

I found how to set to HALT mode, but i can't find how to put the SFC to step 1.

How can i do ?


  • Here is the answer from the PLCnext Engineer support team:


    if you set the variable to "Halt"-Mode you can operate via. the inputs 

    Step_ID and Activate_Step to the first step for example.

    The right Step_ID can be select below the struct Step_States.


    The ID can be different to the Step count.

    Example = Step 1 has ID 2

    If you have additional questions do not hesitate to ask.

  • Hi Robin02,

    first things first so check the help page for programming in SFC. You'll find the FBs' parameter description.

    Then I would suggest something along this pseudo code:

    IF ResetButton = TRUE AND SfcFB.Active_Operating_Mode = HALT THEN

    //Go through all steps and deactivate them

    WHILE(I < Step_States.StateCount) DO




    //Crawl through the structure and check the object property. Return the ObjectID of init step

    InitStepID := FindInitStep(SfcFb.STRUCTURE);



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