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Compare bloc with EN/ENO


I was programming using EN and ENO pin of EQ and MOVE block.

I don't have error during the built but when I download the program in the PLC the code is not working.

I want to put more than one bloc EQ on one ladder line (like in the picture).

It seem that I have to put a boolean output directly after the first EQ and split EQ block

I also have a problem with the MOVE bloc. Even if I put a boolean on the ENO pin, the block is not correctly executed by the PLC.

Do you ave a solution to be able to put two or more EQ bloc on the same line without creating a variable and split the two EQ bloc?

How can we use MOVE block with a condition?


  • edited August 2022

    Here is the answer from the PLCnext Engineer support team:

    with PLCnext Engineer version 2022.6 it works. However, some of the lines will not be marked as true (red) in the editor. This is forwarded to development, but the function works. Note that with EN = False, the last output value is retained.

  • Hi

    Thank for your response.

    I will download the version 2022.6.

    So It will be impossible to write the same variable with different conditions ?

    Like in this example it will be impossible to go on step 2

  • No, that will work.

    When they said "the last output value is retained", they meant that the variable connected to the output will not be written, and so whatever value was last written to that variable will be retained.

  • So I tried to do it with the 2022.6 version but when I open my projet on this version I have multiple error "SEM1036"

    When I rebuilt without any modification I have an "internal error". I didn't find any problem and I had no error in previous version

    So I'm back with a version 2022.0.1

    I write my test like you showed. I'm able to write "1" in the variable "Step" only if I don't have another move block after. The network 1 has to be after the network 2.

    But afer writing the value "1" I'm not able to write the value "2" because the network 2 is before the network 1 even if the EN condition are 0 on the move block which write the value 1

    So my tag "Step" stay to the previous value "1".

    Do you have an idea? I miss somethink?

  • This works for me in version 2022.6.

    I will also check this in version 2022.0.2 LTS.

    If you would like someone to check why your project could not be upgraded to version 2022.6, we can send you an email with details of where to send your project for analysis.

  • Hi,

    Yes I am interresting to send you my project to be able to open it in version 2022.6 because it seems to be the good solution to solve my problems

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