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profibus communication

Hello everyone, I'm posting this message because I have to make a profibus communication between a Siemens "ET200S" module and the "AXC F XT PB" module. As explained on the phoenix website, I downloaded the "SYCON" software, added the "gsd" file of the ET200S and configured its profibus address in "AXC F XT PB". I created the library by exporting it, but when I launch the program, the FAIL LED of the "AXC F XT PB" module is red. I don't know if there is a specific parameter to put in the "PLCnextEngineer" software or in "SYCON"?

Thank you in advance for your answer


  • Here is the data sent by the AXC F XT PB module

  • In addition, I have the BF-D LED flashing on the AXC F 2152. In the documentation it says: "Link status present, no communication connection to the PROFINET controller". However, I have a connector between my AXC F XT PB module and my AXC F 2152 PLC.

  • I understand that the problem was solved by replacing a faulty I/O card in the ET 200S station.

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