Updating libraries
I recently downloaded PLCnext Engineer 2023.0 and I opened a project that's programmed in PLCnext Engineer 2022.0. But when I have an programming error (PLCnext Engineer 2023.0) and I double click it, it doesn't bring me to the error. I heard that it had something to with the libraries that I used.
Information about the Libraries that I use
- KheironConnection - IP_Com_10 - PLCnext Controller - v2023.0
- KheironConnection - IT_Library_11 - IP_Com_10 - PLCnext Controller - v2023.0
- MQTT_Client_Library_3 - v2020.0
- PLCnextBase_1_3_1 - v2020.0
- Modbus_RTU_11 - v2021.0 (Library version 11)
- PLCnextBaseServices - Build
Does anyone know what the issue is?
if your error is the:
SEM1100: The expression data type 'some dadatype' is not equal to the variable data type 'some other data type'.
I had the same issue with the IT_Library_11.
The release notes contain a hint:
In FOR loops, the control variable, its initial and final value could be of different data types. If the memory reserved for the control variable was smaller than the memory which could be written by the initial or final value, the controller could crash during operation. A data type check is now implemented which results in an error message when the data types differ.
You should look forward to library updates on the Store.
Modbus RTU 12 is ok for IDE2023...
Best regards
I have the same problem, with library Modbus_TCP_11:
Code SEM1100, The expression data type 'INT' is not equal to the variable data type 'UDINT'
Seems some libraries are in urgent need of an update
The Modbus TCP 12 library has been available since January:
If this version of the library still has the same problem, please contact the developer using the "Contact Developer" button on the app page in the PLCnext Store.