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Memory (RAM) Utilization


going online with my project on my AXC F 2152 I can see on the cockpit the Memory (RAM) Utilization at 78%.

It seems that my RAM usage is too much, and I should be careful with further developments on the project.

From terminal, with command "free -h" I can see that:

So, should I care about "free" or "availabe" memory?




  • edited February 2023

    Hello Marcello,

    I assume you are using the FW < 2023.0. If so, then the following formula will be used: [Used = Total - Free Memory] = 78%. But it isn't correct, because the buf/cashe memory can be emptied and used as needed.

    In FW 2023.0 the formula has been corrected and is as follows:  [Used = Total - Available Memory].

    If you update the Controller to FW2023.0 and use in PLCnextEng controller template 2023.0 you will see the following value: Used Memory (RAM) = (490M - 313M)/490M = 36%.

    Please find the documentation in PLCnext Info Center:

    RSC Device Interface Services (

    BR Eduard

  • Hello Eduard,

    that's a very good news!



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