Getting Current Date and Time and Formatting It
What is the easiest way to get current date and time and format it according to required format string, i.e. 'DD.MM.YYYY' without using additional libraries like PLCnextBase?
I use RTC variable and convert its components to string, then concat them together:
I know that it's possible to use format specifier for time in TO_STRING function, but how to get current date and time in LDATE_AND_TIME data type?
Function RTC_S doesn't fit, because it returns STRING, not LDATE_AND_TIME.
This may not be the suggestion you're looking for, but if you're willing to create a C# library, there are nice tools in C# for getting and formatting DateTime.
Here's a sample function block for getting DateTime:
public class DateTime_Now
[Output, DataType("LDATE_AND_TIME")]
public long DateTime;
public void __Init()
public void __Process()
//Get current, local date time as timespan to output tick value as LDATE_AND_TIME
TimeSpan dateTimeNow = System.DateTime.Now - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);
DateTime = (long)(dateTimeNow.TotalMilliseconds * 1000000.0);
Here's a sample function for getting DateTime as a formatted string:
public static class DateTime_NowString
public static void __Process(
[Output] ref IecStringEx DateTime_NowString,
[Input] ref IecStringEx Format)
//Return the current datetime in the format specified
Try this one embeded fc.
I don't know exactly what you want to achieve yet. But if you work with the structure of type 'ReSyBasic_SR_Clock', then you can put individual elements of date and time into or out of the structure as STRING or INT, or much more.
Example with the variable 'Date_TIME':
- Date_TIME.SR_ClockInfo.I_Hour for hour
- Date_TIME.SR_ClockInfo.S_DateTime for date and time
- etc
I need to get current date and time and obtain formatted string according to the format I specify.
Thank you, although it would be a little bit strange to concat data from RTC into LDT, then convert it into string...
So it looks like PLCnext doesn't have a standard function to obtain current date and time in LDT...
Yes, I also format the INT values with CONTACT_LDT, going backwards with SPLIT_LDT.
In the LDT you can easily add time zones and summer/winter time. From the LDT you can use TO_STRING to output the desired format (STRING#'{0:dd.MM.yyyy - hh:mm:ss}' or STRING#'{0:hh:mm:ss}' or STRING#'{0 :dd.MM.yyyy}')