AXF RS UNI with AXC F 2152 for a RS232 code bar scanner
I am currently using a barcode scanner that uses RS232 communication protocol that's why we bought the AXF RS UNI 1H (2688666).
We installed Node Red on the PLC to program as little as possible on PLCNext engineer.
for this barcode scanner application we installed the library : AXL_ComSerial_9.
We have problems on how to programm it, look below, it’s the only thing we’ve done :
We don't understand why there is nothing Receive on arrRcvData :
Next to that, we looked that the frame is sent from our barcode reader and it's ok :
This is our module that we use :
It’s a 3.3V module, is it OK for the AXL RS UNI?
Can someone help us on theses issues ?
the connection to the process data of the module is missing. arrInputPD and arrOutputPD.
Hi, thanks for your answer, i set arrInputPDval et arrOutputPDval, but what should i do with them ?
why xBuse is true ?
Update : I did the GDS PORT mapping like this :
When i set xActivate to true, and i scanned a bar code, xRcvBufferNot Empty became true but i have still nothing on arrRcvData...
Can someone help me ?
Update : I received data because uiRcvDataLength = 14. But i don't understand why i don't have data in arrRcvData.
xRcvNDR turn from true to false immediately
Someone knows why i can't see the receive data ?
Hi, the topic is still relevant, Anybody got any ideas?