Compiler Problem Safety fuction blocks
Some day ago I try to use Word to Dword on a program. However it requires a safety functions. I erase the function from the program file however the compiler continue to indicate that I have the function I erase some days ago. I am using a previous version of the program when I never introduce the safety function. I erase the safety functions and the compiler continue to detect t erased ones. Do you have seen a similar program
Hello Victor,
you can try to delete the binary files of your project. The binaries can be found in /Documents/PLCnext Engineer/Binaries. After that you can rebuild the project from the menu in PLCnext Engineer. This should fix the issue.
Hello Stefan
I erase the files on the binaries directory and the error persists.
Could you please suggest me other option.
Yours, than you
Hi @VictorRuiz ,
please check your variable worksheet the POU you used the FB in and make sure there is no variable of type DWORD_TO_WORDS.