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Connecting MATLAB/Simulink with AXC F 2152 controller

Hello. I am new to PLC. I have AXC F 2152 controller. I want to connect my controller with MATLAB/Simulink software. How to establish profinet communication between them? Kindly can anyone guide me on this?


  • edited December 2024

    If you want to establish Profinet communication, then I assume that the Matlab/Simulink software has Profinet communication capability - is that correct?

    If so, does the device running the Matlab/Simulink software act as a Profinet controller or a Profinet device?

    If it's a Profinet device, do you have a GSDML file for the device?

    If it's a Profinet controller, you should be able to import the GSDML file for the AXC F 2152 into the Matlab/Simulink IDE. The GSDML file for the AXC F 2152 can be downloaded from the website, here:

  • Hello Martin, I am gonna run my simulink model on a raspberry pi model 4. So is it possible to communicate raspberry pi with 2152 PLC?

  • Hello.

    The answer is the same regardless of what device the Simulink model is running on.

    What communication interfaces does Simulink provide for communicating with partner devices? Profinet? OPC UA? Modbus/TCP? If Simulink provides a suitable communication interface, then it should be possible for the model to communicate with an AXC F 2152.

    Have you considered running the Simulink model directly on the AXC F 2152?

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