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TC Router - socket communication question

Hi community,

I'm using an AXC F 1152 connected to a TC Router. I adapted the code from the SMS handling library from the PLCNext Store ( ) to send emails. i.e. using TCP sockets communication with the pc-socket-server service running on the TC Router. Everything is set up well and working / tested.

Everything works just fine when the PLCNext is sending just one email, with long enough pauses. But when I'm trying to send to several addresses (i.e. send alarm notifications to several people when the alarm becomes active) I run into trouble: "user.debug [2634]: client exceeded maximum request size - closing connection." from the pc-socket-server service log. I must mention I am making one new TCP socket write every 5s, so I could exclude the case of "flooding".

Now my question is the following:

  • what's the internal implementation of how pc-socket-server handles email queueing for sSMTP?
  • Or is it blocking until sSMTP delivers the email? (That would be totally unlike SMS handling, where I can just fire away TCP socket messages and it will happily queue SMS for the smsd service to handle later.)
  • What else could I be doing wrong? Is the 5s interval between sending emails really not enough? How can I queue emails faster?



  • Hello,

    You adapted a SMS app to send emails and ask about debugging that!?

    Why not use PLCnext Store | SMTP_Basic instead?


  • "You adapted a SMS app to send emails and ask about debugging that!?" - no, the question is about the internal TC Router's implementation of pc-socket-server

    "Why not use PLCnext Store | SMTP_Basic instead?" - because I have a TC Router in the system and would like to use its full capabilities, and emailing that way is simpler from a PLC application standpoint (way less stuff to configure on the PLC HMI).


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