Builtin Alarms service usage
I'm using an AXC F1152 on 2025.6.0 with the builtin Alarm Server, and I followed to the letter the HMI alarming instructions from the PLCNext Engineer help pages.
I have 28 bit-pattern conditions and 2 boolean conditions defined, and it all seems to work properly.... until I see this error in the Notifications page (either in PLCNext, or the WBM webpage): " Arp.Services.AlarmServer.Error - Event ring buffer full. Alarms conditions were not evaluated.". Even though there are no alarms active, and the HMI Alarms page shows nothing at this stage.
This happens during normal development-and-testing work, i.e. I'm doing nothing special except triggering some of those alarm conditions, making some code adjustments, test, repeat.
Can anyone share some info on what's going on here and what I'm doing wrong?
First, keep in mind that the Alarm server functionality is under development.
Can you share the project made with the internal Alarm Server?
As alternative, you can try this library PLCnext Store | Alarms