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Unable to merge revision discrepancies in profinet


I am trying to connect an SEW eurodrive motor to an AXL F 2152 plc, and I cant seem to figure out this revision issue. I have both flashing BF-D and BF-C on my controller, so i assume the communications issue I am having is due to this.

I am able to get the profinet to show the device status as OK (shown above), but as soon as i move to a different tab and come back it immediately gives this warning below and unmerges the revision number.

am I missing a save or apply button or something to get the revision # to stick?


  • edited January 28


    the revision problem is just a warning and does not have an impact on the Profinet communication.

    The reason for the revision mismatch can be found in the type column. The string stored on the device is different to the string from the GSDML file. The green checkmark indicates that your device is correctly identified and the parameters have been transferred. Please go to WBM of your PLC and check the Profinet diagnosis.

  • Stefan,

    I still have a device disconnected error on WBM for the plc. I have been able to get profinet communications from one PLC to another working just fine, but from one PLC to my motor drive never properly connects.

    Do you have any idea why this would be, if that warning is not truly the isue?

  • Hi,

    can you please check on the Profinet diagnostic page what exactly the error is?

  • It looks like a problem in your network. Can you ping the motor?

  • From my workstation I can ping both the motor ( and the PLC (

  • Can you check if the motor has the proper device name assigned? You can click on the device name in the Profinet diagnostics to open the WBM of the motor.

  • the name "testmotor" is in both the PLC and the motor

  • I have found this output log which has an error of interest

    07.05.24 15:00:51.203 Arp.Io.ProfinetStack.Controller.Internal.AR.AR WARN - Abort indication reached for ARUserID 1: PNIO_RTA_ERR_ABORT_CMI_TIMEOUT (ErrorCode: 0xcf (RTA Error), ErrorDecode: 0x81 (PNIO), ErrorCode1: 0xfd, ErrorCode2: 0x6)

    I did try playing around with different profinet names (wrench instead of testmotor), different ip addresses ( instead of, and tried updating my firmware to 2024.6.0.

    I also tried changing the reduction ratio (from 8 to 64, and even 512) but that did not seem to change anything either.

    Any other ideas?

  • Hello,

    one reason why this error could occur is a very high network load. How many Profinet devices are in your network? If the network load is ok, then I have no other ideas. Please contact your local Phoenix Contact support to help you with this issue.

  • The motor and the PLC are the only profinet devices on the network. I will reach out to the Phoenix Contact support.

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