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PLCnext - PN - IO-Link master


I've jumped in the deep end with a project and struggling a bit. Although I have a bit of experience with plc's and programming this is the first time, I'm doing something so extensive.

I have the following setup:

AXC F 2152 <-> PN <-> IFM AL1402

The AL1402 IO-link master has an IO-link I/O module, IO-link devices (sensers and actuators) and SMC IO-link valve island connected to it.

The hardware shows up in the equipment tree on the lefthand side of the PLCnext software but I'm struggling to get any further. I don't seem to be able to set any variables

The sensor is an IFM PN2098 pressure sensor.

For now, I would be grateful for any assistance up to viewing the pressure value in a watch table.

Any help will be much appreciated.



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