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Problem with comunication of PLCnext with Proficloud


Dear Sirs, I am having problems uploading the PLC program to the new firmware version. First I uploaded the new PLC program with the new metrics for telemetry.

When validating the metrics in proficloud I see that the values ​​are not 0, they vary by themselves, it is not real. (initial value is 40 when the metric is active)

  • Imagen1

3. I made the firmware change, I updated from version 2022.0.4 to 2024.0.0LTS. With the new firmware installed, the "ghost" values ​​are gone and it remained at 0 when the metric was inactive.

  • Imagen2

4.-This PLC 2152 is connected via OPC UA to a SCADA Visu+ version 2.55, it commands the start and stop of the main generators, opening and closing of breaks and obtains voltage, current and power readings, through the connection of the PLC to some ComAp devices by means of modbus RTU communication (read and write).

5. At approximately 23:30, the Chief Engineer tells me that he no longer has control from the SCADA Visu+, but there is reading of variables (power, current, voltage, binary states), I checked in the PLC and the commands did not reach the PLC variables, therefore, we are left without control.

6. After reviewing the programming, I did not find any errors, and I began to downgrade the PLC to the version I had (2022.0.4). We again had control from the SCADA Visu+. (Read and write)

7. Then I re-validated the data in proficloud and the "ghost" values ​​came back with more distortion, reaching the activation values ​​(40), but the metric was not really active.

  • Imagen3

In short; I need to update the PLC firmware to improve the connectivity and veracity of the data, but when performing the update, there is no writing from the SCADA.

Please, can you help me resolve this incompatibility.

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