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Hello all, I have started having issue adding symbols and images onto the design space for a HMI screen. I have not had this issue before. It is a new issue. I have this issue with new and old projects. Start a new project, add a screen, and imidiatly I am unable to add any symbols, including the default symbols and al…
Hello, I am working on trying to implement a function block that I use in RSLogix 5000 in PLCnext Engineer and was wondering if there is an existing block? Or will this have to be a custom block? It would be very helpful to have an example of it if it needs to be custom. The block is called a Bit Field Distribute (BTD)…
HI, Dear Sirs, I am having problems uploading the PLC program to the new firmware version. First I uploaded the new PLC program with the new metrics for telemetry. When validating the metrics in proficloud I see that the values are not 0, they vary by themselves, it is not real. (initial value is 40 when the metric i…
Dear experts, i installed PLCnext engineer 2024.0 and configuring AXC F 1152 (HW06,firmware version 2024.0) i scan online controllers i got pop up error "could not communicate with profinet stack (MSG _ONL0185) "and "No device found(MSG_ONL0166)". And if i redbuild program i got errors must install or update .NET…
Hello, i have a very old AXL F 2152, HW2 FW The webpage does not provide any options to update the firmware. What tools or instructions does PxC provide to be able to update the unit firmware.
Hello people, how are you? Due to my Spanish language I need to place accents in the texts that appear in the HMI. If I place that accent from code, or by pressing the key, or with Alt-164, the letter ñ appears appropriately. If I press “Enter” the “ñ” character changes to “?” and looks like this.. We have created an…
Hello, I am trying to connect an SEW eurodrive motor to an AXL F 2152 plc, and I cant seem to figure out this revision issue. I have both flashing BF-D and BF-C on my controller, so i assume the communications issue I am having is due to this. I am able to get the profinet to show the device status as OK (shown above),…
Dear Experts. I'm using MODBUS TCP LIBRARY from PLCNext Store. The required diagram like attached picture. In configuration, each MODBUS TCP client have max 10 function block to read and control. In my diagram, The block more then 10. How should I do? Thank much.
Hello, I am trying to connect to a PLCnext Controller which is set up as an OPC UA server and has several nodes. I have tried to connect using 3 different libraries (QuickOPC, UAfx, OPCfoundation) in my C# code, but the problem is that when I try to browse a variable which is of type "Struct" in my PLCnext Engineer, th…
159 views3 comments0 reactionsStarted by dimitrismvrmMost recent by Frank Phoenix Contact Deutschland SupportHello, After the installation of PLCCNExt VErsion 2024.6 i get the following error message - CodeMeter License Server missing Error 200 I have tried reinstalling PLCnext Engineer. Is there anything else I can do?
Dear Sir. I'm using IEC60870-5-104 library from PLCnextStore ( Picture) for my project. My AXC F 2152 work as IEC 60870-5-104 server. I create inbound datalist ( for control signals) and mapping them to variables in GDS. The Rebuild project without error, but Writing program to PLC have error: "Colud not find portname…
I'm encountering several issues with PLCnext Engineer that are impacting my development workflow: 1. File access error My project is located at: C:\Users\Public\Documents\PLCnext Engineer\Projects\CBG_unit_one_v19.pcwex However, I keep getting this error: Error,"0","Internal Error : Access to the path…
Hi everyone, I have a communication between a phoenix contact PLC (AXC F2152) and an IFM PLC (CR721S). The communication is established using the Modbus_TCP_8 Library with PLCnext Engineer 2023.6. When I replace the Modbus TCP _8 Library with the Modbus_TCP_12 Library, communication is interrupted and I get the FC4…
Hi, When creating HMI symbols, it is very strange that it is not allowed to use boolean operators (such as NOT, AND, OR) etc in the input field for those parameters. It seem to be allowed everywhere else variables are used. Example below, where I am displaying two electrical breaker symbols. They should always be inver…
Hi all, I'm trying to read my EH PMC21 Pressure Sensor data through an IO-Link communication. I have uploaded the IODD file EH provided to my software. It seems that I cannot assign PLC variables to the data item (Measurement Pressure Value) automatically or manually. However, I did that easily for other data items…
I have implemented the HMI alarming from the PLCNext Engineer online help, when I try to run it using the "Simulating Preview" i get the following errors: Plc failed: 'Exception occurred: Cannot get metadata for session id '0'' - at component Arp.Services.AlarmServer on StartPlc(startKind=Warm) Session…
Hello, I have a problem in PLCnext Engineer for quite a long time now. I am using PLCnext Engineer 2024.6 The problem is that when I rebuilt my project in visual studio, then sometimes in PLCnext Engineer I get errors like this. What I then have to do is disconnect all of these variables and reconnect them exactly the …
Hello, We have the following problem in our training lab: PLCnext Engineer cannot find the Codemeter license (error 200). In fact, there is no license in the CodeMeter Control Center. We have tried several solutions (based on older answers in the forum on this topic): - PLCnext Eng. reinstallation and/or repair - We tr…
Inquiry Regarding Analog Module (AXL F EX IS AI8 HART XC 1F) Configuration for Binary Switching Sens
Dear Support Team, I am working on integrating a binary switching sensor connected to the AXL F EX IS AI8 HART XC 1F analog input module. The sensor operates on a two-wire loop-powered system, outputting 8 mA (Low State) and 16 mA (High State). Since the module includes both normal analog inputs and HART-specific input…
Closed85 views2 comments0 reactionsStarted by SHNBMost recent by Tim Phoenix Contact Deutschland SupportGood evening, I have a servo motor which I have to rotate on different angles using Axl f pwm2 1H module. I need a function block to run this in plcnext engineer software to control the servo motor with the axl f pwm2 1H module
As we attempt to set up OPC UA communication between the two PLCnext controllers, we are working to better understand the BadCertificateUntrusted error we have been receiving. Findings: All connection attempts via UaExpert to the PLC are successful when we set: "Use the truststore for client authentication” to off “Che…
Hi Team, We have the controller AXC F 1152 with a little program. Now we want to write a little error log into a text file. I need some help how I can write the code therefore. Maybe someone was creating something like this before and can give some tipps. Thanks & BR Bodo
Hello. I'm using axcf 3152 and if I don't put my sd card in, I get ssh connection, but if I put my sd card in, I can't get ssh connection. Is there a way to solve it?
Hello, Is there a function or option for serial connection (RS422) for an engine manufactured by MTU that is intended for the marine sector? I know things have been done in the past and if you have it it will save me a lot of engineering time, Thanks, Haim
Hi, I'm using CPU AXC F 2152 and AXL F CNT2 INC2 , the application i'm working has both counter and encoder application and it requires the value of both to be retentive and hold on power on , the problem i am facing problem that the value of encoder and Counter is not retentive and clear out on power-on
I have been experience the UTL0001 Error in both old and new projects. Existing projects that historically would build now exhibit this error. There is limited documentation that I can find on this error message and the internal documentation of PLCNext Engineer does not seem to exist. I have read a few other posts tha…
Hello, I have created a C# program which I transferred to PLCnext Engineer so I have the following GDS Port List. What I would like to do is create an HMI Page which shows when the outputSwitch_Pipes are TRUE and when they are FALSE. Also I would like to extend this to add some C# counters I use in my C# code so that I…
Hello, The PLCNext Engineer Chart object is displaying trends with a time scale that is 2 hours behind the current time of the controller. I have set the PLC controllers time to the current system time but the issue still persists. Does anyone have any solutions?
I need the PLCnCLi 2019.3 for windows to build some older c++ projects in eclipse. Previously I could download this from the website when I needed it, but the archive does not go back further than 2020.0. Upgrading the firmware version with al required changes in the C++ project is to much of a risk and not really an…
Hi community, I'm using an AXC F 1152 connected to a TC Router. I adapted the code from the SMS handling library from the PLCNext Store ( ) to send emails. i.e. using TCP sockets communication with the pc-socket-server service running on the TC Router. Everything is set up well a…