PLCnext Engineer
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Hello, As you can see in the photos, I installed the PlcNext Engineer 2023.0.5 version software. I did not receive any errors during the software installation. When I sent the error to Toygar Bey, the manager of Phoenix Contact Automation Unit Turkey, he said that the problem may be related to the operating system. I…
When I connect to the device via TLS_SOCKET socket, after some time the connection (Active) is lost. The flag (Busy) lights up. It is possible to connect to the device from the PC. After stopping / starting the project, the connection can be established again.
Hello, in PLCnext Engineer I defined a TSDB type database to which I assigned a variable. In HMI Page I added Chart and Data Logger Session. After switching to eHMI, I get an error: The HMI application has stopped. An error occurred during data group registration. Additional detail may be available in the browser's con…
Hi, When moving the mouse over a button, it is displayed slightly grayed out. If the HMI is used with a touch, this grayed out unfortunately remains when the button is pressed. Is it possible to deactivate this property for the button?
Hello, The fail LED from AXC F 2152 is red. I don't why. 23.09.23 08:09:44.696 PCUctl_v1_0_0_2152.Modellib ERROR - Error: Could not read address to simulink block bin file from "/opt/plcnext/projects/PCWE/Libs/PCUctl_v1_0_0_2152/addr2SimulinkBlock.bin". (file IO error) 23.09.23 08:09:44.702…
PLCnext Engineer 2024.0.4 crashed on me. Process: I highlighted multiple lines of ST code, then tried to do a Find/Replace the word "IN" with "OUT"... when I hit "continue with search and replace" this error occurred: Note: Its possible the 1st line of ST code was empty, but I know the other 15 or so lines had plenty o…
Hello I have a AXFC2152 2023.0.0 + BP SE4 + DI16 and DO16. Alim 24V is ok. My leds on backplane are red When I connect to wbm web server I've got : status reg : 0x0284 and reg1 : 0x0c14. It's mean that (on error codes) Module type does not correspond. But I have used fonction read Axioline on plcnext to update board...…
Hello, I'm looking to create a device that has both Modbus TCP and Modbus RTU support, and I am using the MB_TCP_Server_10 and the MB_AXL_F_RSUNI_Slave_3 libraries respectively to achieve this. Both libraries accept an array of Words for the holding and input registers, except each one defines their own custom Type for…
Hi, When using PLCnext Engineer 2024.0.4 (Build 7.0.550.0, Revision ba77587a) and the AXC F 2152 starter kit I get an issue when importing the GDML files for the FL IL 24 BK-PN-PAC => The error: Error,"10/12/2024…
The new Alarm server (in version 2024) utilizes a C++ "AlarmProgram" for alarm handling. Is there any way to log the alarms to a file? Or will there be a possibility in the future? Why does it show timestamps as "GMT+1 Central European Time" although my PLC has default settings (using UTC)? Is there any way to change t…
Hello, this is Marcel Llovet from Audi Tooling Barcelona, I have recently had an error while working with PLC Next engineer V2023.0.6 which is the following: E1002: [PLCNext_PN_Diag]VMM_FactoryAutomation:FB_PNDIAG_2:SubscribeServices(Arp.System.Rsc.Services.ServiceManager) IL_0009 : emitting of cil code failed. I have …
i have this proble some one know how solve?
Is it possible to define an array of function blocks? I've looked around for an answer and the closest thing I can find is in CODESYS:
When I want to start the PLCNextEngineer 2024.6 this message appears. Any help is appreciated.
Hello, I am starting in Automation engineering, it is my first project using the PLCNext Engineer (2024.0.2) and i would like to implement a Modbus TCP communication between a PLCnext Controler (AXC F 3152) and a Unitronics V350 PLC. I would like: 👉️To write Start & Stop signals from my PLCnext PLC to my Unitronics PL…
Hello, I have a project with a 2152 and SPLC 1000. I would like to control an output of the safety plc if the status of the machine allows this and the normal plc agrees. For this I use an exchange variable (not safe). This is written by the normal plc. It is linked in the data list with a non-safe variable of the safe…
Hi Everyone, I’m working with a PLCnext 2152 CPU and trying to set it up as a MODBUS TCP Client to connect to another controller. I’ve followed the instructions provided in the MODBUS TCP client documentation, but I’m encountering an issue. When I attempt to drag and drop the MODBUS TCP client library from the componen…
Good day. Every half hour there is a license error. The problem started after switching to Windows 11 24H2
Hi, When I load a project from PLCnext Engineer to the PLC, I (often) get the error message that the connection was lost and a communication error occurred during the update. In order for the project to be transferred, I have to repeat the process several times. I find these errors in the log…
Is it possible to add a new font to PLCnext Engineer so that I can use it in my HMI interface design? Thank you
Hey community, I'm having a difficult time finding answers on how to actually upload the program we created in PLCnext Engineer to the Touch Panel. I've search for documentation and the manuals on the touch panel and I think I'm missing something. Our program is only opening in the simulator. Any help would be apprecia…
Some day ago I try to use Word to Dword on a program. However it requires a safety functions. I erase the function from the program file however the compiler continue to indicate that I have the function I erase some days ago. I am using a previous version of the program when I never introduce the safety function. I er…
I am not able to install the PLCnext Engineer on Windows 10. Any help would be appreciated. Windowslog says: Windows Installer removed the product. Product Name: Activation Wizard 1.7.1. Product Version: Product Language: 1033. Manufacturer: PHOENIX CONTACT GmbH & Co. KG. Removal success or error status: 0.…
The license error is becoming worst every 15 minutes the PLCNext software stop and a license error is on my PC. I need to restart the computer, if I only restart the software the error continue. I am using windows 11 PRO an the las version of the software 2024.0.4} Yours
Function Word to DWord can only be used on safe mode . Which option I have to ensemble two Word MODBUS register to a DWord register to have the 32 bits of a real number. I would appreciate any option you can give me I need read volume information form E&H Flow meters. Yours
The compiler send me an error. I am starting with the PLC Next and I can see some differences to the other PLC i used with ISAGRAF. The selected resource 'axcf2152:IEC 61131-3' does not support the program organization unit 'ACTF'. The selected resource 'axcf2152:IEC 61131-3' does not support the program organization u…
Hello, I have an application in which I capture analog values at 20 Hz and transmit them via OPC UA to an InfluxDB (on an external computer) to visualize the values with Grafana. For the temporal visualization, I want to use a timestamp generated by the PLC at the time of the analog-to-digital conversion. How can I cap…
Hello all, I am trying to use a EPC1502 as a data collector for various torque controllers. All the Torque controllers use open protocol over port 4545. I need to know if it is possible to use the OPC UA server on board to connect to them. I am not sure how to add devices to this OPC server. I am very familiar with Kep…
Hello. I would like to make a RS232 connection with “ EPC 1522 - Edge Device 1185423 “. I have added the library “AXL_ComSerial_10” and checked the example “ACS_10_EXA_AXL_SE_RS232”. In this example I see how to configure the serial port speed... in the “Axioline F” section but my project with “EPC 1522” is not availab…
Hello, I wanted to ask if it is possible to integrate a color picker into PLCNext HMI? Because we have LED strips and they should also be able to be controlled with RGB. Is this possible? LG Robin Schulz
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